The intent of obtaining the scholarship is a long-term goal that is achieved through years of you’re ready to take control of your future, BOOST can help by providing you with the motivation, support, and academic assistance you need in order to achieve success. This rewarding opportunity provides the promise of a college scholarship, a caring mentor committed to the development of your gifts, and continuous involvement from skilled student advocates who engage in educational /career counseling. Because we are a grass-roots operation we are able to deliver an immensely personal program to students like you, who are seeking a better life. Not only is the BOOST program innovative and transformative, it is rigorous as well. We want to see our students succeed, which means we have high expectations and demand accountability among all participants. Therefore, each student is required to sign a contract promising to abide by the program’s rules in order to attain a fully paid college tuition scholarship. To receive the scholarship, you will be expected to:
Success is Here
As you transition through your high school years, you will have the opportunity to participate in a college readiness curriculum that will help prepare you for the ACT and SAT exams. BOOST mentors are available to provide workshops that will get you college ready, take you on college tours to view life on campus, and assist you with the college application process when you’re ready. BOOST believes all young people should have access to post-secondary opportunities. Why shouldn’t you? Now is the perfect time to take a hold of your future and choose your own path - the path to success. Contact us! Fill out the form below and we will tell you how to get started. |